6 January 2011

I don't know what day it is.

So I went up to my aunty's for new years because really I had no choice, one of my sisters over heard my brother and me talking about some party he wanted to go to and well yeah I ended up two hours away from anything remotely fun sucks arse.

Seeing its a week since then that's not really the point of this blog, so I came home new years day because there was no way I was staying up there more then I had to and it's not because I missed home or the people around because truthfully I have nothing to do with most people now. It's actually kind of funny going from wanting to be the center of attention to not really giving a uck, but hey that's just how the world works.

I don't really have a point for this update I just got some email about some website looking for people to do some video blog thing about where I live and it was like who cares? I live in some little inner west suburb msot people (unless you acutally live in the area) no of like seriously or maybe that's just the world is going keep to what you know aye?

Actually that brings me to something I could actually talk about that wouldn't be complete bs, lol, so I was eating last night, I know right amazing, I eat and I was thinking who decided that we could eat food? like I get that evalution kind of forced us into eating but like who was to decide that we could eat what we did and how did everyone else find out? like seriously I know I guess it kind of just amazed me really.

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