29 December 2011

New Years Resolution

Yes I know it's all half BS and majority of people say it every year and never actually go through with it but I've decided I want to lose some weight. I know that I ma unhealthy, over weight and not properly looking after myself so this isn't really a get slim and be happy kind of thing it is more of be more healthy and have a better chance of not dying of some really random and retarded disease that I could easily prevent by getting healthy.

These are the current facts (I will give progress around the 20th of each month as that is when I get weighed and measured at the gym.)

From what I remember from last time:

Height - 168cm

Weight - 87

Waist - 88

Arm - 32

Hips + bust - (Can't remember)

My goals:

Weight - 70

Waist - 72

The rest I don't really know what the healthy sizes are so I'm leaving them out. I guess that's my goal for next year. For those of you who may have been in the situation of having the same goals of current self do not worry, I'm not going to be one of those people that believes that a life style change like this can happen over night or even within a matter of weeks/months and it will be a slow progression and hopefully this time next year I will be where I want to be.

What are your goals/resolutions?


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