6 April 2010


Well hello, the imagery people that read this, I'm not going to lie or anything, I just havn't been bothered to leave a post or anything because like nothing interesting is happening and no one reads this.

But anywho if I don't update I'm never gonna get followers, so yeah. Umm, well the most interesting thing that's happened recently is I went to the easter show yesterday, it was fun, I went with the family and conned by bfn and his sister into going. ( they'd never been before )

And like it was alright, but I knew he didn't want to be there, his older as I've mentioned before, I think, so he thought he was to old for the rides and stuff so it was like he was just the bag boy. And I felt bad so I was trying to find ways to stay out, but of course it didn't work coz my dad was comming home and he would have known and stuff like that.

So I didn't stay out, and I thought he was cool with that, but then this morning mum wanted me to stay home and stuff so I did. And he got all cut and shit and has either slept or ignored me all day, and like its pissing me off, but I guess I can't do much.

But hey, then again I'm just talking to myself.

Lostintrasmission. x

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