13 November 2011

Just a little bit lost, confused and unsure.

It's getting late and I know I should be asleep but I'm scared and I'm worried and I feel like I haven't done enough on a lot of grounds for myself, my friendships, my family and my future. Tomorrow morning I have an interview for a scholarship that will pay for all my University fees and gives me a permanent job out of Uni my only problem is I don't think I deserve it.

I know I've put a lot of work into keep everyone else happy this year but I haven't put enough to my studies. I'm worries that I'm going to get it over someone else that probably deserves it more then myself. I know if I don't go for it than I'm going to let everyone around me down because they've all pushed me so hard to do my best and not give it up but is it really what I deserve? Do I deserve a scholarship over someone else? I really don't know, and it's eating away at me.


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