29 April 2010

How the tides change!

Wow! Isn't it amazing how life changes? Just yesterday I was thinking how awesome life was how I just want to stay in that moment forever. God I wish I could go back there! Just one day I want to go back TWENTY FOUR HOURS! That's all I ask.

Errrr! I have my boyfriend calling me fat! I have my mother and father fighting over the fact I'm fat! I have a design and technology project due in 4 weeks! FOUR WEEKS! And of course I've basically done nothing. I knew it would take me at least 5 weeks to do the construction, another two to evaluate. And yet I have 4 weeks! Not even that! Like three and a half weeks and seeing I've got exams in two weeks that's like two weeks. I'm so over this shit.

I can't take it! I worried so much over modern that I ignored design and tech. Like how fucking stupid and I? I worried over a subject I'm going to drop over the one that's gonne pull me though at the end of the day. I can't believe how stupid I am!

And of course because my mothers a fucking whore who refuses to get the net at home I am unable to do the research for how to construct everything! Its fucked; seriously! I just want to crawl in a hole and die!

offically stressed out ; over it all ; and truely Lostintrasmission. xx

28 April 2010

Life's good. Like really good. You know what I mean? Happy moments, no stress, seeing people that make you happy.

Well maybe some don't, but hey I'm there in that happy place and its good. Done my modern without to much stress presenting tomorrow. Wish me luck yeah? LOL. Slightly worried about the dawning d+t assesment which is coming up, but like I know one I actually get into the mojo of doing it should be sweet because it doesn't seem to hard.

There's exams in two weeks, they had to come eventually just didn't think it'd be this soon. We got the time table today and it seems to be a pretty sweet set up. All day monday with a two hour brake in between, tuesday morning, and every afternoon from one for the rest of the week. Which means sleeping in. YAY. The little things which keep me happy.

Also stole my bfs favorite jumper just to wear for the day at school to piss a few teachers off. Because I'm cool like that.

I guess there isn't much else to say so I'm off so I can hurry up and get home so I'm not late.

Post soon, Lostintrasmission xx

23 April 2010


Omg! My little sister is a little bitch.

You know what she did? She broke the tv aeral and thens blame it on me coz I had only left for school. Mums rings me up screaming at me going ' the tvs broken everyone's saying its you Blah Blah Blah '

I get home this afternoon and she's like why'd you brake it for I'm like I didn't brake she's like holly said you did she said ' you ripped it out of the wall ' I'm like ' I didn't touch the thing I came out this morning to see why holly was going on and the tv had been spun half around and the chord was moved from the tv to the box ' and she's like ' you pulled it out everyone said you did '.

She's a fucking idiot I swear, she's going off by what holly says, she's a fucking liar. I can't believe she'd believe holly over me.

And then holly comes in and she's like you gotta take us to the park mum said which was a lie because mums right out side my room and she didn't say shit.

but hey you know holly can lie all she wants and get away with anything. Fucking retards I swear.

Lostintrasmission. xx

22 April 2010


Creepy people on trains, who likes em? Not me that's for sure.

So I'm on the train going home adn I'm sitting on the steps coz I'm too lazy to walk up them and sit down, so I sit on them.

And there's this guy just standing there reading his newspaper and its like yeah okay cool his not gonna bother me so I put my headphones in and sit the listening to music.

And then we stop, so I get up to let people past and he moves and stands next to me which was wierd and he was like ' hi ' and I said hi back and stuff and asked him how he was and stuff to poliet and stuff and then he shuts up and goes and stands back on the other side and then we stop again and I don't move and he comes and stands next to me and his like ' your beautiful ' and I'm like ' yeah, Thankx ' and he moved away again.

and then my stops comes and I go to get and he looks at the map thinks for a minute and gets off and then sits on the seat I keep walking and when I'm like halfway down the platform he gets up and starts walking and his looking at his phone and I'm about to leave the station and he starts running and as he gets to the ticket machine he checks his phone again and looks when the next train comes.

And I'm thinking okay wierdo. But then I'm walking up to the road and he starts walking and when I'm at the top of the steps he turns around and starts walking towards me so I walk fast and his still following me I cross the road he stays on the other side and then I turn the cornor he walks past and then comes back and like okay his fucking psycho. So I walk to marrickville road and walk into pizza hut and he turns around and heads back to the station.

I swear he was wierd, I thought I'd post this so if I get raped and killed coz he comes back people know why.

Love you all.
Lostintrasmission. xx

21 April 2010


you know what I love?

I love how someone can bitch about someone's choice to who they have a relationship with and what they choose to do in their free time.

So, I'm sitting in modern history listening to ms going on about the arab israel conflict and next thing I here is ' well she opened up her legs to a thirty year old, she's a slut, I'm surprised she's not smoking yet '.

And it makes me wonder why they think that in concerns them. Like yeah okay, talk about, tell people, do what you want, but don't judge her by her choices. The people that are talking about this girl are a pair of girls who have two faced most people they know, cheated their way out of a lot issues with people that they have started.

And it annoys me because they think that what other do involves them, they repeat what they here to everyone and by the time it gets to the person it was originally about it has become such a big load of shit it gets so out of hand that its not even close to being funny.

For example by the time they have told everyone in their little group and it slowly gets back to the person it was originally about people will be saying she's done it with about five older guys.

And I quite frankly I believe that its extermly slack what these girls do and something needs to be done because people keep getting hurt by them being nosey about things which straight forwardly doesn't involve them.

I guess me posting this brings me down to their level of bitching but what they do just gets to me so much and I just needed to vent so I didn't end up saying something to them.

Lostintrasmission. xx

18 April 2010


welcome the invisible people of the world wide web, I would like to welcome you to todays update for my blog.

Well well well, I havn't really updated in like two weeks mostly because there hasn't been much happening, just hanging out with Ian, sleeping, facebook, and well that's kinda all.

I've relised my life is actually really boring I'm guessing that's why I'm a lone blogger but I guess its going to be interesting when someone decides to read all this.

Well, I was thinking of just kinda having a rant on this girl I know I'm thinking we should call her avalon, she's a bit of a nut job if you ask me, but people seem to like her, its not that I don't like her, its just that she annoys me with her stupidity. Like the other day and at like seven at night she was going on she missed her dog and stuff and it was like yeah okay reasonable, but then she keeps going on about it for like an hour and then next thing you know she on a train to her dads to get the dog and its like yeah okay doesn't concern me but then an hour later this is at nine at night she starts going on that there are rapests on the train and its like then why go? And then at ten thirty she's on the train home with the dog still going on about the rapests and by now her stupidity is pissing me off and I start telling her off for going on an hour long train ride at nine at night to get a dog when she's thirteen and she starts getting all defensive and shit so I leave it but then next thing you know she's going on about her being at her mums place and her mum sending her back to her dads on the train with the dog.

And by now its got me thinking, if she's doing all this shouldn't her parents start caring and so I bring it up with her again and then her sister pops up and tells her to get over herself and stop lying and shit, and it was like wtf is wrong with this girl she just seems like such an idoit. But I guess its like season says I hate everyone.

But of course that's not entirely true, I don't hate everyone just some people seem like complete dfaces so I don't really want anything to do with them and of course this just ends up starting up petty little arguements with people. Stupid annoying people of course. A teacher brought this up with me one time, she said that I had issues with people and that if someone didn't fit into how I thought things should run that I tend to disagree with them. I agree with what she said very well but of course I'm not really going to admit it to half the world because this would just end up starting problems with people.

But hey, I guess if its a problem for them I'm gonna have issues with it. LOL. Well I'm gonna leave it at that.

Lostintrasmission. xx

6 April 2010


Well hello, the imagery people that read this, I'm not going to lie or anything, I just havn't been bothered to leave a post or anything because like nothing interesting is happening and no one reads this.

But anywho if I don't update I'm never gonna get followers, so yeah. Umm, well the most interesting thing that's happened recently is I went to the easter show yesterday, it was fun, I went with the family and conned by bfn and his sister into going. ( they'd never been before )

And like it was alright, but I knew he didn't want to be there, his older as I've mentioned before, I think, so he thought he was to old for the rides and stuff so it was like he was just the bag boy. And I felt bad so I was trying to find ways to stay out, but of course it didn't work coz my dad was comming home and he would have known and stuff like that.

So I didn't stay out, and I thought he was cool with that, but then this morning mum wanted me to stay home and stuff so I did. And he got all cut and shit and has either slept or ignored me all day, and like its pissing me off, but I guess I can't do much.

But hey, then again I'm just talking to myself.

Lostintrasmission. x