14 January 2012


I was extremely amazed this morning when I hoped on the scales. I hoped on to see how much more I needed to lose this week to get to my goal of 85 for this Friday coming and to my surprise I was 84.4! I was so happy by this I thought I would share it with you.

Since starting this whole at the beginning of October I have lost 7kgs which I am really happy about because that means I'm 1/3 of the way to my target weight and this latest accomplishment has made me hopeful that I can get another 1/3 done by my birthday next month bring me to 77kgs.

Wish me luck :) and hopefully you are all sticking to your new years resolutions.


8 January 2012

Almost to the first goal post.

I was weighed and measured on Friday an would like to say I've lost 1cm off both my hips and waist and lost 1kg in two weeks which I am sort of happy with. Next week I plan to put the exercise up a bit and aim for 1kg a week for a few months.

How are you going with your new year resolution?


2 January 2012


I am currently extremely happy. Lostintransmission.xx

1 January 2012

Gays. Muslims. Blondes. Asians.

Each and everyone of those so called names made you automatically think of a stereotype. You can lie and say it didn't but by this point you would have some sort of image in your head; I know I do. Now this isn't to make you, myself or anyone else in this world feel better or worse about themselves it's something that just kind of clicked as I was scrolling through tumblr. As I was doing said task I came across a few posts. One of which presented the image of the Twin Towers before they were destroyed saying that they would still be here if it wasn't for Muslims but following this there was an extremely long list of things that the world would not have at this current point in time without Muslims and it really got me thinking about how wrong it can be to be judgmental; especially if you don't have the faintest idea about a person, race, religion, society, community or really anything that can be judged. Don't get me wrong I'm not about to go an preach to you because everyone is invited to have their own opinions and morals and I know myself well enough to know that I have judged people before getting to know them, heck I've even judged my best friend on some of her actions and we've known each other for over seven years. Maybe society is taking some things a little too far, I could sit here all day and whinge about how f$%ked society really is but all I really want is for people to stop and think before they do or say things that could not only hurt the person that you are saying it to but could have an impact on something major like a religion from the tumblr post before the list was added afterwards. I might only be one person, but if enough of us help to stop judgement and stereotyping maybe another evil in this world could be defeated. Lostintransmission.xx