31 December 2011

Happy new year

Every one have a great last day of 2011 party hard and safely.


29 December 2011

New Years Resolution

Yes I know it's all half BS and majority of people say it every year and never actually go through with it but I've decided I want to lose some weight. I know that I ma unhealthy, over weight and not properly looking after myself so this isn't really a get slim and be happy kind of thing it is more of be more healthy and have a better chance of not dying of some really random and retarded disease that I could easily prevent by getting healthy.

These are the current facts (I will give progress around the 20th of each month as that is when I get weighed and measured at the gym.)

From what I remember from last time:

Height - 168cm

Weight - 87

Waist - 88

Arm - 32

Hips + bust - (Can't remember)

My goals:

Weight - 70

Waist - 72

The rest I don't really know what the healthy sizes are so I'm leaving them out. I guess that's my goal for next year. For those of you who may have been in the situation of having the same goals of current self do not worry, I'm not going to be one of those people that believes that a life style change like this can happen over night or even within a matter of weeks/months and it will be a slow progression and hopefully this time next year I will be where I want to be.

What are your goals/resolutions?



I think I've got some serious addiction issues. . .

Within a matter of days I have become addicted to tumblr. I don't know if it's just me or does everyone else that's joined have the same problem? Seriously it's rather scary. . .

But yeah if you'd like to follow me my thing is


I don't know what goes on the end but yes the - is meant to be at the front. That's all for now.


27 December 2011

Just a thought

Remember to some body you are beautiful. . .

23 December 2011

I somewhat love her hair!

So I was stalking on lookbook.nu and I came across this lovely lady and I was like ZOMG her hair is awesome and thought I should share it with all of you. Go do some stalking :p


Santa notices me, why don't you?

Alright, so thisn't going to be some rant about a guy so relax your sacks.

I feel like I'm somewhat wasting my time on this whole thing for two reasons:

1. I have two followers. . . Both of which are good friends of mine and only followed me because I begged them to which is kind of sad.

2. I don't feel like I have a purpose. . . You know I could be one of those people that go on and on about how gawd damn boring their life is but that just seems like a bigger waste of time. Erk. I just don't know. . .

Some advice on how to get more followers or what I should talk about would be nice.


22 December 2011

Reasons to get up in the morning.

Alright, I was blog stalking and came across this:

Sometimes it can be very difficult to get up, out of a cozy bed and wake from a comfortable sleep where anything is possible, and into the mundane every day lifestyle that so many people complain about. Trust me, I know...

But here are some reasons that make me get out of bed happily!

You can't find out the weather without getting out of bed.

You might miss out on something huge and exciting.

You can't make life better from the comfort of your bed.

You ruin all chance of stumbling across the answers to your problems.

You can't receive any compliments.

You'll forget any special ideas before it comes to sharing them.

And most of all, a day counts when it comes to our short lifespan.

Thought some of you may enjoy it.


20 December 2011

Caught in the middle

So I've got this friend she's basically my best friend we've been like apple pie and cream since we were little but she's having some problems. She's been going out with this guy for a couple of months now by they were really good friends for about three years before that and what's happened is she's realized that they have no possible future so she's tried to break things off with him and I've somehow become caught in the middle because over the years I've kind of become his friend as well and right now I don't know what to do. I know I should be supportive of her discussions because it's her life but I know she's happy with him but she doesn't want to spend time with someone if it's going no where (who wants that?) and well he's asking me what to do and she's confused and it's like what do I do? This isn't my mess I just want the both of them to be happy.


10 December 2011

So you are in a failed relationship

Okay there is thus guy who I've got on Facebook and he just goes from one fucked up relationship to the next and the thing is most of the time they don't last more then two months but at the end of them he always spends a week bitching on Facebook about it and going on how he's going to drink himself to death and it's like well why don't you just go out with girls who aren't going to turn out to be complete whores? Seriously, idiots these days they do my head in.


24 November 2011


I'm going to start this off with the title of a fb group I saw 'In every circle of friends there is one person who can answer every question you throw at them.' As I read this I thought to myself that's kind of me, I'm the type of person where if you ask me something I will have some sort of answer for it all the time even if it isn't right. Except this one question 'Which university should I go to?'

This question is kill me. Deep down I want to go to Notre Dame, it just seems so amazing. It might be a small university but everything they seem to offer out does the rest, I guess that's why I wanted early entry so I knew I'd have a place there.

You see as much as I want to go to Notre Dame I've always wanted to wind up at USYD (university of Sydney.) I guess this is because everyone deep down inside themselves wants to go there, like who wouldn't, it's the most well known university's in Australia and offers so much, but it's not where my heart really lies.

My final real place of interest would be ACU (Australian Catholic University) this place because it has the most renown teaching courses in NSW (I want to do teaching.) The problem is that the course is the only thing drawing me to the university, and I don't want to be at a university where I dislike everything else besides the course.

I know that it shouldn't matter where I end up because at the end of the day I know where I want to end up and I know what I have to do to achieve it. I guess I just want the most out of the next four years of my life because as everyone says they're the best years of your life.

I guess I just have to wait another three weeks for my marks.

Lostintransmission signing off, xx.

20 November 2011

Being a woman

As I stand here in the kitchen doing the woman thing and cooking ( don't give me any feminism stuff) I think to myself where is the line between stirring the pot and actually bullying someone?

I was out today and a male friend of mine was going on about so hot some girls (who looked 12) arse was. Like don't get me wrong I value the female arse in many forms and accept a comment from a stranger and will listen to a friend like this one go on about an arse but it brings me to a thought of where is the line? Is it age? How fat the commenter is taking it? Or is it fine to just keep going because they are simply interested on the arse?


19 November 2011

A funny thing really.

I know I just posted a thing but I was looking at my page stats and I found it somewhat interesting that most of my audience (not that it's a big one) is from the complete opposite of the world, seriously. I'm on little old (not really) Australia and all my views are from Europe and Russia and Africa and a few other places and I was thinking how do I even get an audience on those places I don't know anyone outside of Australia that even knows I have this attempt of a blog, well at least I thought it was funny. Lostintransmission.xx

Why is ginger called ginger if it's not really ginger?

That one has got you thinking, hasn't it?

Okay so my dilemma of the day. I seem to be having a few of these recently. The whole boyfriend and mother thing, I've gotten the reasoning behind the whole father boyfriend junk but the mother boyfriend thing is a whole new playing field.

I've learnt that different people want different things to happen in your life because it's either going to impact on their lives or it's going to set you up for something positive in the future but what happens when what they want isn't what you want? I've just reached that stage.

I'm the kind of person that will spend as much effort possible on trying to keep other people even if it means I might end up in a place (both mentally and/or psychically) that I might not want to be in. The thing lately is that trying to keep l these people happy has become a nightmare especially between my boyfriend and my mother. I know they both want the best for me but the thing is I don't know if what they want is what I want anymore.

I'm not going to give which one wants what but one wants me to just go out their and experience everything I possibly could and the other just wants me to take it slowly and trend carefully. My problem isn't that I have to choose between the both of them because that's not even possible it's my mother and the guy ice spent three years with they are both equally important to me. It's that they feel as if they get to make my decisions for me and if I go against one I get shit feed to me about it.

I just want to be left to feel happy with my decisions and not as if I have to please everyone else. I mean it is my life but sometimes it feels like no one e even listens to me.


17 November 2011

escaping my escape.

It's been a little under two months since I finish school and a week since I completed my last exam, yet I don't feel free. I remember when I was complaining that I didn't want to be at school anymore, people would say it'll all be over soon and you'll wish it didn't end, yet I don't feel that. I feel as if I need to escape something greater then just the reality that has spent six years growing on me now that I've finished I feel some what lost. I've became apart of this life style that I spent day in day out living completely without a complaint and now I have to find another one to be apart of and it's somewhat scray. I mean I felt like finishing high school would be an escape but it wasn't it just me into a deeper need to escape. I've become trapped in a life that I don't want to be living, maybe soon enough thigns will change but for now Im lost and despirae to escape into a greater realtiy in which I acutally see a purpose. lostintransmissionxx

14 November 2011

my goal

Okay, I read that you're going to be more motivated to do something if you have people that know you're goal and are encouraging you to reach it through support and positive feedback. So my goal is to lose 30cm off my waist and fit into a size 12.

Any feedback or advice on staying on track would be appreciated.


13 November 2011

Just a little bit lost, confused and unsure.

It's getting late and I know I should be asleep but I'm scared and I'm worried and I feel like I haven't done enough on a lot of grounds for myself, my friendships, my family and my future. Tomorrow morning I have an interview for a scholarship that will pay for all my University fees and gives me a permanent job out of Uni my only problem is I don't think I deserve it.

I know I've put a lot of work into keep everyone else happy this year but I haven't put enough to my studies. I'm worries that I'm going to get it over someone else that probably deserves it more then myself. I know if I don't go for it than I'm going to let everyone around me down because they've all pushed me so hard to do my best and not give it up but is it really what I deserve? Do I deserve a scholarship over someone else? I really don't know, and it's eating away at me.


10 November 2011

So here it is . . .

So I was thinking I should most likely keep to my word and come and write this fully intense update on my life but I seriously don't know what to say.

I guess I should start with a timeline of significant events since January and see if I can go in-depth into them or something like that; it should be in chronological order of when things happened and such so stick with through the boring parts.

1 - I got myself a new job, yeah, woo go me? Yeah okay so it's not that bad I rather enjoy it, it's not like I cbfed going to work and all it's the fact I have to go to work.

2 - I graduated High School! Alright so that's kind of cool, big significant part of my life all over and done with and all. It's been alright since then kind of on and off studying for exams (last one tomorrow :D.) That means I'm basically free to do whatever I want and what kind of got me back into the idea of blogging but I'm thinking I'm not just going to blog about myself but more of that later.

3 - I got myself an early offer from the University Of Notre Dame to do teaching which is pretty damn awesome.

4 - I've got myself an interview on Monday for a scholarship to pay for this offer from Notre Dame which again is pretty damn awesome.

That's kind of all of the major significant things that have happened since I last had an update but it lets you all know what's going on in my life and such, which I just realised is pretty boring but any who like I said I'm going to take a different approach to this whole blogging thing since I didn't really get much interest when I was writing about my life so I'm going to start incorporating my opinions on movies and such.

That's all for now, lostintransmission over and out.

It's been a while

Hi all, so everything got crazy and I gave up but I think it's time for me to come back and let you know how I am doing, atm good.

I'm running short of time right now but I'll be back with a full length OMG everything no one really wants to know soonish.

6 January 2011

I don't know what day it is.

So I went up to my aunty's for new years because really I had no choice, one of my sisters over heard my brother and me talking about some party he wanted to go to and well yeah I ended up two hours away from anything remotely fun sucks arse.

Seeing its a week since then that's not really the point of this blog, so I came home new years day because there was no way I was staying up there more then I had to and it's not because I missed home or the people around because truthfully I have nothing to do with most people now. It's actually kind of funny going from wanting to be the center of attention to not really giving a uck, but hey that's just how the world works.

I don't really have a point for this update I just got some email about some website looking for people to do some video blog thing about where I live and it was like who cares? I live in some little inner west suburb msot people (unless you acutally live in the area) no of like seriously or maybe that's just the world is going keep to what you know aye?

Actually that brings me to something I could actually talk about that wouldn't be complete bs, lol, so I was eating last night, I know right amazing, I eat and I was thinking who decided that we could eat food? like I get that evalution kind of forced us into eating but like who was to decide that we could eat what we did and how did everyone else find out? like seriously I know I guess it kind of just amazed me really.